Sleep Well Stay Fit

It is true without quality sleep,your metabolism will not work properly and will sabotage your waistline and health. When you are busy with work 24x7,you get up feeling groggy. You take a cup of tea and snack. In the evening you go to the gym or yoga or even other works of home. And when you go to the bed,you lose your sleep. If you sleep less than to 6 hrs,you risk weight gain and obesity much more than people who get normal 7-8 hrs of sleep at night. There is much more correlation between lack of sleep and weight gain.

Lake of sleep affect your weight:

If we sleep less than 5-6 hours a night, it may be a risk of being overweight. You eat much more than those who get the normal 8 hours of quality sleep simply because you have more waking time available from interesting study, women who slept less than six hours a night or more than nine hours were more likely to gain five kilograms in comparison to woman who sleep for 7-8 hours in night.

Other facts:

According to the scientific reports, people who are not getting enough sleep end up overeating carbohydrates,thus adding almost percent more calories. If you are sleep-deprived, although you may eat a small breakfast, you eat more during the day and indulge in after dinner snacking. When you do not get enough sleep during the night you will feel tired the whole day and you will not be able to do other extra works and exercises.

Some pointers to sleep enough and restful:

It is very harmful when we do not sleep every night.Everyone has a sleepless night once in a while. Too much time spent at the system and T.V.  perpetually lit indoor environments.  Good sleep hygiene is important for maintaining health.

* Sleep only when you want to sleep or feel sleepy.

*Avoid coffee, tea, soda or tea.

* Late night dinner can be harmful, avoid it. Also avoid heavy dishes in the late night.

* Have light snacks such as fruits or bowl of cereals.Avoid smoke  and drink.

* Avoid to sleep in afternoon. 15-20 minutes power nap you   can   take for relaxation.

* Follow time table to go in the bed.Setup a regular bedtime even  on weekend. Avoid alarm tone. Try to wake up naturally.

* Take hot bath before go to bed.You will feel relax.

* Don't do exercise in the night.

* Make the bedroom quit, restful and comfortable. 

* Listen light music or read some story books .

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